About Me

Art and faith

Post retirement as a chartered civil engineer and local authority chief officer in the UK,  I undertook formal art study. I have an HND in Fine Art followed by an MA in printmaking.

This is a mixed media piece "Morning Sun" inspired by one of John Donne's  sacred poems in which he puns sun and Son. It was exhibited at the Cheltenham Christian Arts Festival.

20cm x 18 cm framed - £120 inc. postage to UK address


I had early successes with work accepted for open competitions: Hunting Art Prizes 2004, Triennial Open Print RWA 2004, Originals 05 Mall Galleries and Welsh Artist of the Year Exhibitions, 2005 and 2006. I continue to have work in regional, national and international open exhibitions.

This is a collagraph shown in the Hunting Art Prizes exhibition held in the gallery of the Royal College of Art - "Electrical cabinet on the Northern Line". For a few seconds as the underground train left a station I saw an electrical cabinet with a damaged door, sealed with sticky tape. The image was imprinted on my mind.

35cm x 23cm framed  - £225 including postage to UK address

Covid 19

I recorded Covid 19 lockdown in a series of self portraits and portraits of my wife in acrylic and oil.

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